::Snow Pink::
sweet owner

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Diaries Owner Linkies Stuff

hello peeps ! welcome to super awesome. p;ez leave a comment .. no babbling anymore !! :D


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basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Your Name

true or fake ?

Asslammualikum !
the owner has coame back!
seriusly bayk cite yg aq nk kgsikn ngan korang
meyh siniyh dgr >.?
good news or fake? skrang msti korang tertanya2 ape fake ape terue kan?
najwa ! 
najwa cte kkt aku yg FIRZHA msh suka aku
first mmg la aku eppy giler2 
n terkejut beruk pon ada
aku tye larh dy cmne dy tau
zharif mssge dia.
tpi aku mcm tak caye la
sbb mse aq ckp ngan dia
dia uat tk lyn jer
I miss U